Thursday, 28 May 2015

Product Showcase: Star Wars Stormtrooper Plugs

Thursdays, or "Throwback Thursday" as I call them here on the Blog, are the day to look back at stuff that... well... that *needs* looking back at because it's so good!

Today I'm "throwing back" to the first plug design we sold: Stormtrooper plugs from the awesome Star Wars.

As you can see, they're a bold and simple design which makes them stand out so well. And, of course, they have an awesome full Stormtrooper helmet on so they're a must for fans of the sci-fi blockbuster!

Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet Plug
Stormtrooper Plugs
They come as a two part type which is internally threaded so the front of the plug screws into the back. They're made of black acrylic with a white front and white Stormtrooper helmet logo.

Available in 6mm - 40mm on our "sister site" that is the home to all our Film, TV & Logo plugs at an amazing £3 per plug.

They're that cool I even named my puppy, Stormie, after them and he proudly wears one that I modified as his collar ID tag!

What's your favourite "Throwback" product we sell or old favourite in your Sick Plugs collection?

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